10.6 How to Recognize a Construct Chain

Proverbs 1:1

Figure 10.7: Proverbs 1:1

The following are characteristics of nouns in the construct state:

  • Never an article
  • Never a pronominal suffix
  • Never an unaccented long vowel unless it is a vowel letter
    • We will often see Tsere-yod and Holem-Vav
    • We will not typically see unaccented Holem, Qamets, or Tsere
      • We will see accented long vowels in the penult86 - סֵ֫פֶר
  • No diphthong (will see Tsere+Yod or Holem-Vav)
  • May have a reduced vowel in the penult
  • Noun endings may change (next page)
  • Two nouns connected by maqqef is a construct chain
    • כְּבוֹד־יְהוָה = The glory of the LORD
  • When there are no spelling changes, we must rely on context
  • There are three construct chains in Proverbs 1:1
    • מִשְׁלֵי שְׁלֹמֹה בֶן־דָּוִד מֶלֶךְ יִשְׂרָאֵל
    • Context tells us that the last two words should not be “King Israel” but “King OF Israel” (a construct chain)

A good rule of thumb is: “Unaccented long vowel, not a vowel letter, not construct”

  1. That is the next to last syllable position.↩︎