How do I navigate within Anki?


Figure 35.2: Settings

  • We have created a brief tutorial within our Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest Unit 1 Anki deck
  • This is contained in the 0.Introduction folder
  • Click on this deck for an introduction and helpful hints
  • When you are finished you may Suspend the cards in the this folder only so you don’t see them again (these are the only cards in the deck you should Suspend!)
  • Click the +/- buttons to expand/collapse the folders within the Anki deck (click to see example)
    • To start with Lesson 01 Vocabulary, click on the plus buttons within Unit 1, until you see Lesson 01 Vocabulary and click the STUDY NOW button
    • In your initial learning, start with the module level, i.e. Lesson 01 Vocabulary - do this untill all cards reach the mature stage
    • Once you have learned all cards in all modules, REVIEW at the Lesson level, e.g. Lesson 01
    • Once you have learned all cards in all Lessons in a unit, then REVIEW at the Unit level, e.g. 1. Lessons 1-3
  • Many cards have “hints” - click on the hint button to reveal (click to see example)
    • If you needed a hint, be sure to select Again on the answer side
  • When you are ready to see the answer, click Spacebar, Enter, or the Show Answer button


Several of the cards have silly mnemonics. As we borrowed and reformatted the Vocab and Grammar cards from Dr. Beckman, most of the mnemonics were created by his students. In most cases, we retained these but feel free to delete these from your deck (or simply ignore them)