First Thought

תּ֘וֹרַ֤ת יְהוָ֣ה תְּ֭מִימָה מְשִׁ֣יבַת נָ֑פֶשׁ עֵד֥וּת יְהוָ֥ה נֶ֝אֱמָנָ֗ה מַחְכִּ֥ימַת פֶּֽתִי׃

The precepts of Adonai are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of Adonai is pure, enlightening the eyes. (Psalms 19:8)

The Hebrew Quest Study Passage for this lesson will continue with Exodus 20, the 10 commandments. Let us delight in the Law of Adonai!

Men touching Torah Scroll at Western Wall. Courtesy of the [Pictorial Library of Bible Lands](

Figure 31.1: Men touching Torah Scroll at Western Wall. Courtesy of the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands