How do I know which button to select on an Anki card?


Figure 35.3: Settings

We suggest using the following guidelines:

  • Again
    • Your answer was incorrect, or a mixture of correct and incorrect on a multi-part answer
    • Your answer was correct, but you required a hint
  • Hard
    • You otherwise met the requirements for Good, but you struggled to produce the correct answer or guessed.
    • If you believe your correct answer had more to do with short-term recall instead of a firm grasp of the concept (e.g. you just saw the right answer a few minutes earlier and remembered what it was), you should select Hard. This will present the card to you sooner (usually about 12 hours later) to make sure you really understand
    • Similarly for Study Verses, if you got the correct answer for any other reason than you were able to read the verse in Hebrew (for example, you happen to have that verse memoried in English), select Hard
  • Good
    • All parts of the answer are correct; no hints
    • For Bible Verses, mark Good when:
      • you can read and understand the verse in Hebrew
      • Your translation is roughly similar to the English answer, even if you need to take a few moments to work through the verse
      • Your verb tense is correct (even though we won’t study verbs until Unit 3)
      • You do NOT need to have the passage and its meaning memorized to mark Good
    • Be patient and honest with yourself. If you are unsure between Again and Good, then select Again.
  • Easy
    • We recommend limiting Easy to those instances where you are confident that you already have the word, rule, or passage memorized
      • If someone asked you in 60 days, would you be positive you’d remember the answer?
    • It would be too easy to circumvent the learning algorhithm in Anki by clicking Easy instead of Good

Be patient with yourself. It may take you many tries in the early going before you can hit Good.