17.8 Imperfect Vav Consecutive: Spelling (Strong)

The Imperfect VAV CONSECUTIVE is spelled, וַיִּ

  • Vav + **Patach + Dagesh Forte**
  • This is QIwc
  • Also called W_a_yiqtol from וַיִּקְטֹל
  • Similar to the independent preposition with the definite article
  • In the 1cs form, the Aleph preformative rejects the Dagesh, resulting in Compensatory Lengthening
3ms יִקְטֹל וַיִּקְטֹל
1cs אֶקְטֹל וָאֶקְטֹל
3cp יִקְטְלוּ וַיִּקְטְלוּ