First Thought

וַיֹּאמְרוּ שָׁאוֹל שָׁאַל־הָאִישׁ לָנוּ וּלְמוֹלַדְתֵּנוּ

And they said, “This man heavily questioned us and our kindred.” (Genesis 43:7)

In addition to offering up our petitions, let us be sure to hear God’s questions. What is He asking you (or asking of you) today? Take a moment.

Banias waterfall. Region of Caesarea Philippi where Yeshua asked his talmidim a fundamental question, 'who do YOU say that I am?'. With our choices, we have the opportunity to answer this same question practically every moment of every day. See Matthew 16:13-17. Courtesy of the [Pictorial Library of Bible Lands](

Figure 9.1: Banias waterfall. Region of Caesarea Philippi where Yeshua asked his talmidim a fundamental question, ‘who do YOU say that I am?’. With our choices, we have the opportunity to answer this same question practically every moment of every day. See Matthew 16:13-17. Courtesy of the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands