Lesson 11 Hebrew Numerals

To comprehend Biblical Hebrew, we must be able to figure out numbers, with or without a dictionary, when we encounter them in the Bible

You have worked very hard on the first ten lessons! Way to go! The authors of Basics of Biblical Hebrew, wisely in our opinion, strategically placed a necessary but lighter discussion on numerals right here in Lesson 11. We are emerging from what may be a lot of foggy concepts with all of the noun, pronoun, and adjective concepts in lessons 4-10 (particularly Lessons 8-10). The bulk of the work in Lesson 11 will be in Anki learning numbers from Hebrew Quest.

For the next 25 lessons, we will focus on the Hebrew verbal system and – the entire point of this course – reading and understanding Scripture, especially with the Hebrew Quest study passages.

Enjoy this brief lesson on numbers!


  1. The Biblical text always spells out numbers
  2. Notes and footnotes use symbols for numbers
  3. Be Familiar with Hebrew Ordinal Numbers - First through Tenth
  4. Hebrew Cardinal Numbers 1-9
  5. Digits 1 and 2 match the gender of the noun
  6. Digits 3-10 take the opposite gender of the noun
  7. Learn the Cardinal Numbers Above 10


Before continuing, can you describe the following concepts?

  • The difference between construct and absolute states