Anki Decks-2022.01

This page will have links to the current versions of the Anki decks; check periodically for updates

  • From time to time, we will clarify certain points, correct typographical errors, or add cards we believe will enhance learning
  • The date in the page title will let you know the most current version
  • Updating is recommended but not required
  • To update, simply download the current deck and double-click to install (or File, Import within Anki)
    • Your previous progress will be preserved9
    • Added cards will show up as “new” in Anki
  • Note: We recommend you download each unit’s deck as you are beginning that particular unit.
  • In other words, if you are at the beginning of Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest, start with just Unit 1 and Custom Words for now.
  • Then you can return to this page to load each subsequent deck as you begin each new Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest unit
Deck Comments
Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest Unit I (2022.01) Switched to calendar (YYYY.MM) versioning. Minor updates from V1.0 to add clarity, etc.
Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest Unit II (2022.02) Switched to calendar versioning. Correct typos in Lesson 4.
Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest Unit III (2022.01) Switched to calendar versioning. Minor updates from V1.0.
Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest Unit IV (2022.01) Switched to calendar versioning. No changes from V1.0.
Anki Orientation deck. This deck is for those new to Anki. You may delete this deck when finished. No changes from V1.0.
Hebrew GRAMMAR Quest Custom Words You only need to install this deck once. It will never be updated. See YouTube: About Custom Words Deck

For video walk-throughs of the loading and updating prosess see YouTube: Load HGQ Anki Decks (preferred method) or Alternate Mobile-only Method

  1. Anki is programmed so deck updates do not delete anything.↩︎