Lessons 13-16 are critical!
Lessons 13-16 are critical!
Figure 11.2: Jordan River High Water Sign. The sign says ‘Level of the Jordan.’ Photo by Chris Flanagan, taken 2/12/2013.
- The image above is of the Jordan River baptismal area in Israel near Jericho - it was taken less than a month after extensive flooding of the area
- Lessons 13-16 could be considered the “high-water mark” of the course
- There will be a lot of details to digest as we talk about the two most common verb forms in the Bible, the Qal Perfect and the Qal Imperfect
- YOU MUST MASTER the material in these four chapters
- Doing so will make the rest of the course much smoother, and more importantly, this will help you better understand your Hebrew Bible
- The “high water” will start to recede a little starting with Lesson 17
- The rest of the course from Lessons 17-35 build upon Chapters 13-16
- Take your time - as Izzy says, “slow and steady wins your Hebrew verbal race!”, but keep pushing forward
- We can do this! This is all part of learning God’s Holy Language!