About Holy Language Institute

Jesus is Jewish.

What if you could get closer to him through Hebrew?

Read on to see what “Following Yeshua, in a Hebrew way, together” means to us.

Following Yeshua

When the first disciples heard “follow me”, they understood they were being invited into a relationship with this Rabbi from Nazareth. Through this journey of discipleship, they would become like him and go on to change the world with him. They knew that following Yeshua was all about knowing Yeshua. That’s what our learning experiences are all about.

In a Hebrew Way

The disciples of Jesus joined him in reading the Hebrew Bible and praying the Hebrew prayers. That’s why this isn’t just a language - it’s a way of following in the footsteps of the Master, a way of encountering the King of the Jews through the language of his people.


The men and women who followed Yeshua became a safe and loving community. Same with us! As an organization, we’re Holy Language “Institute”. As a community of disciples, we’re the Holy Language “Tribe”. Together we’re a movement, making disciples and changing the world.


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