18.4 The Imperative is the Imperfect without the Imperfect Preformative

To get the Imperative, remove the Imperfect Preformative and adjust the vowels as needed For the QM, \(Pre =\) קְ, and \(V_S=\bar O\)

  • Izzy talked about this in the Hebrew Quest Qal Imperative video
  • In 2fs and 2mp, removing the preformative now results in a Vocal Sheva as \(V_1\)
    • Any Sheva that begins a word must be vocal
    • The second of two Sheva is also vocal unless it ends a word
    • The Rule of Sheva says two reduced vowels cannot stand
    • Therefore, we need to apply the Rule of Sheva to M2fs and M2mp forms
  • The Imperative and the Infinitive Construct (Lesson 20) are spelled the same
    • The QM is FINITE, so there will be a person being given a command
    • The Q∞ is NON FINITE, so there will not be a “person” involved
    • The context of the passage should be fairly obvious as to whether someone is being given a command or not
2ms תִּקְטֹל קְטֹל
2fs תִּקְטְלִי קִטְלִי
2mp תִּקְטְלוּ קִטְלוּ
2fp תִּקְטֹ֫לְנָה קְטֹ֫לְנָה
  • Rule of Sheva - 2mp is NOT קְטְלוּ, BUT קִטְלוּ
    • Adjust the vowels accordingly for a guttural

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