Lesson 9 Hebrew Pronominal Suffixes

To comprehend Biblical Hebrew, we must be able to translate a noun or preposition with a pronominal suffix

In this lesson, we continue the discussion on pronouns. In Lesson 9, we focus on an aspect of pronouns we don’t have in English - pronominal suffixes.


  1. Understand the meaning of pronominal suffixes
  2. Define Type 1 and Type 2 suffixes
  3. Differentiate Type 1 from Type 2
  4. Identify the Lexical Form of a Noun with a Type 1 Suffix
  5. Identify the Lexical Form of a Noun with a Type 2 Suffix
  6. Recognize unusual changes with pronominal suffixes
  7. Identify look-alike words involving pronominal suffixes


Before continuing, can you describe the following concepts?

  • Independent personal pronouns (memorized)
  • The difference between the definite article and the interrogative particle
  • Hebrew demonstratives