20.5 Q∞ 3ה Endings

  • As expected, when a 3ה verb has no sufformative, a vowel is added

For the ∞, this ending is וֹת

  • The וֹת remains when a pronominal suffix is added
    • Note: in this use, וֹת is not the FP ending -
    • It would be incorrect to say *“Q∞fp.” ∞ verbs are never inflected for person, gender, or number
  • Remember, ∞ verbs never inflect, so there will never be a sufformative; in other words, all 3ה ∞ verbs will have the וֹת ending
  • We can continue building our 3ה ending table:
Conj Hebrew Vowel
P בָּנָה Qamets+Hei
I יִבְנֶה Seghol+Hei
M בְּנֵה Tsere+Hei
בְּנוֹת Holem+Vav Tav

Update the 3ה ∞ cell of your Stem Comparison Worksheet now!


  • ּבָנוֹת is spelled with a Qamets and means “daughters”
  • בְּנוֹת is reduced and means “to build, building”