
  • Lesson 06 A. Vocab
  • Lesson 06 B. Grammar
  • Lesson 06 C. Workbook
    • In this activity, we will have brief passages of scripture that illustrate prepositions.
    • Make sure you look up any words you do not know. You can download an abridged lexicon here.
  • Lesson 06 D. Verses

Aim for Anki Accuracy!

  • Like Izzy said back at the beginning of Hebrew Quest, make your Hebrew study and act of worship
    • He encouraged us to not simply scribble out a row of Hebrew letters but make them as neat and as perfect as we can
  • If you haven’t already been doing so, now is the time to start raising our Anki standards!
  • If the correct answer is “a horse” but you said “the horse” you should click again
  • Similarly when we get to pronominal suffixes, if the correct answer is “their (3MP) horses” but you answered “his (3MS) horses”, click again