Request your Unit 1 Completion Certificate!

If you have completed all activities in Lessons 1, 2, and 3, and your Unit 1 Anki cards are all Mature, you may claim the first of our Unit Completion Certificates.

  • Note that the Anki requirement for the Unit Completion Certificate is different from the 12 Tribes Badges requirement.
  • For the Certificate, you must submit a screenshot showing that all cards are Mature
  • It can take 21 days or greater." for a card to be Mature
  • In other words, you will not be able to submit for your Certificate immediately upon completion of Lesson 3; you will need a period of time for the cards to reach Mature status55.
Your Anki screenshot should look like this, showing all cards MATURE

Figure 3.8: Your Anki screenshot should look like this, showing all cards MATURE

Open form in new window

  1. See the Hebrew Grammar Quest Checklist for additional information↩︎