Lesson 26 The Piel Stem - Strong

The Piel stem occurs 6,473 times in the Hebrew Bible.

  • P - 2,120
  • I - 2446
  • M - 436
  • ∞ - 708
  • A -84
  • Pt - 679

Many students find the Piel is one of the easier stems to identify. It is one of only three Verb stems (along with the Pual and Hitpael) that has a Dagesh Forte in \(R_2\). The Piel is easily distinguished from the Pual, which has a steady U-class vowel. The Piel is also easily distinguished from the Hitpael, which has a unique prefix.

In addition to the Dagesh Forte, the Piel has a \(Pre\) combination that (in the strong form) is relatively free from confusion with any other Hebrew Verb Stem.


  1. Understand the meaning of the Piel Stem
  2. Identify the distinctive diagnostics of the Piel Strong conjugations